Welcome to our blog!
We are Kristen and Jacob Riggle, the creators of Room to Ramble : )
Room to Ramble started as a home and travel blog called Homey Homey. Our blog served as a way to place more focus on the things that bring us joy as we found it way too easy to get caught up in the “daily grind.” In the process, we’ve learned more about how to create the space in our lives to do the things that feed our souls.
If you too, ever feel like you’re searching for more room in your own life to create and explore, we know how you feel!!
The challenge that often came up for us was a feeling of time and money scarcity. There was always a never ending list of chores and projects we wanted to work on and never enough time or money to invest, meanwhile we have been tackling the dreaded student loan debt which means counting every penny to put towards it.
Time and money became daily considerations.
At first we saw this as super stressful and frustrating, but have since flipped our perspective and come to see it as a challenge that we have seriously grown and benefited from.
Making Room To Ramble
One huge benefit that came out of that daily challenge is it has led us to do some serious soul searching. We knew we wanted to work more of what we love into our day to day life. We started consuming all kinds of self-development and consciousness content. Along with all the consuming came a whole lot of trial and error as we started applying things in real life.
These past two years have been all about finding our rhythm, creating an atmosphere at home that brings us joy, and making time in our lives to explore the outdoors.
We’re excited to share our findings with you through adventure tips, modern home DIYs, personal stories, our journey out of debt, and more!